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In other words, renewable energy generation is just another racket subsidized by the federal government. It’s not that there isn’t enough energy to generate electrical power. There’s plenty of oil, plenty of coal and natural gas.
But who can compete with subsidized energy like solar and wind? //
Moreover, intermittent sources like wind are allowed to bid into MISO’s capacity auction. But wind is unreliable and can’t be dispatched—you never know when it will produce, and you can’t make it produce when you want it to. So, wind bids in at an average expected level of generation. A simple visual (left) reveals what a fatal flaw this is.
As Orr, the energy analyst, points out, this model assumes that wind will blow at 15 percent capacity. But there is no guarantee that it will do so.
In the end, it comes down to a simple, mathematical equation: will our company make a profit from generating electricity or not?
It should be noted that this is a feature, not a bug of renewable energy. Making it too expensive to use fossil fuels to generate electricity is part of the charm renewable energy holds for green fanatics.
And they want you to feel pain, they want you to suffer. They figure you aren’t going to be mad at heroic green warriors fighting to save the planet. They think you’ll become enraged at the dirty, greedy, energy capitalists the heroic green warriors are trying to destroy — along with a couple of million jobs and a reliable supply of energy.
They just don’t mention those last two goals or say them out loud.