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Meet Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood as we all know, murders over 300,000 children in the womb every year.
Of those, the Family Research Council using CDC data reports, 36 percent are Black //
How did we get to this point? It starts with Margaret Sanger and her belief in — nay, active promotion of — eugenics. Her stated desire was the same as a certain well-known Austrian Corporal. According to a number of quotes laid out in, The Strange World of Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review: Part I.
Her aim was to prevent the procreation of those she deemed unfit “To Create a Race of Thoroughbreds.”
https://www.hli.org/resources/sangers-birth-control-review-part-i/#_edn4 //
a year ago edited
Something I wrote a few years ago:
Someone asked me to "pass on" a meme about "Assisted Dying Laws" because "it is so easy"! Let's put the "people in pain" out of their misery!
It has ALL happened before! This Eugenics philosophy thing. It sounds so "gentle", this killing. I certainly hope I never become one of these "Lebensunwertes Leben". You don't remember the "Lebensunwertes Leben"? You don't remember the past? Well, you are on the road to repeat it. Because this ALL happened before, the old, the sick, those in "pain"...all became the "Lebensunwertes Leben"...."The Life Unworthy of Life".
The first of the "Lebensunwertes Leben" were the people in pain and the "erbkraken", those with congenital, cognitive, and physical disabilities like the feeble-minded, the epileptic, the schizophrenic, the manic-depressive, the cerebral palsied, those with muscular dystrophy, the deaf, the blind, the weak, and the insane.
Up next, were the degenerate's and the homosexuals.
After that, they came for the idle, the dissident's, and the prisoners.
Then the Roma (Gypsies), the Slavs, and the other peoples of color, had their turn....
....and finally, they came for the Jews.
Yes, all of the above started out as the "Lebensunwertes Leben"...."The Life Unworthy of Life"...who became the "Untermensch", the "Subhuman Creatures", the "Lesser Men", and it all started with the people in pain....so when you "pass this on" because "it's so easy" remember...it has all happened before! We didn't like how it turned out in the 1930's and '40's and we won't like what it turns into now - Gregory Wilson aka audax