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How many more red flags would the authorities like before they act? Remember, in this case, he would have been a minor. Why was he not ever removed from the home? In fact, I can’t find any evidence CPS ever even attempted to intervene. Instead, it appears the shooter went to live with his grandmother after a final blow-up with his mother.
It’s insane that the conversation is now about banning 9mm ammunition rather than about issues that could have actually stopped this shooting. Heck, it’s not just insane, it’s infuriating. People are rushing to garner their long-held political goals that would do nothing to prevent mass shootings instead of worrying about the problems staring the nation in the face. Schools obviously need better security, and if we can give them hundreds of billions of mostly unspent cash for COVID, I’m pretty sure we can afford to install some magnetic doors.
But past that, there needs to be a serious conversation about the lack of action in regards to clearly mentally ill people. Ramos should have been arrested many times over.