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Joe Biden is one efficient guy. On his first day in office, “blue-collar Joe” managed to kill the jobs of 11,000 unionized Keystone XL Pipeline workers, walk back a major American commitment to Canada, and slap a serious question mark on the future of U.S. oil independence — and that’s just for starters.
In contrast, in Donald Trump’s final month in office, for the first time in 35 years, America didn’t import a single barrel of crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Whether or not our friends on the left give credit to Trump is immaterial; facts are facts and numbers are numbers.
Global crude oil prices were under $50 a gallon and the average price of gas was roughly $2.30 at the end of December. Just 30 days into Biden’s “job,” global crude had jumped to $65 a barrel, and the price of gas had climbed to an average of $2.72 per gallon. //
Biden’s policies will be a yuuge benefit to the oil-dependent economies of Russia, Saudi Arabia, and… wait for it… Iran, as the price of crude continues to increase to upwards of $70 per barrel.
“There is no doubt in my mind that the irony of the Russia collusion nonsense was that there was no one who hurt Russia more than Trump and his America-first energy policies. Russia really is nothing more than a third-world country, with oil and gas. Trump’s pro-America energy policies were a disaster for Russia, and the truth is Biden is a godsend for Russia.”