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Amazon is an amazing technical company, but they lack in some ways. Technological prowess, culture, and/or business decisions will hamper them from capturing the next wave of cloud computing like they have the last two. This report will cover these 3 phases of cloud computing and how Amazon’s continued dominance in the first two phases doesn’t necessarily give them a head start in the battle for the future of computing. //
As Amazon ballooned in size with its retail business, it began to run into limitations of its monolithic 90s-era software practices. Metcalfe’s law sort of applied; as each additional service or developer was added, complexity grew at an n^2 rate. Even simple changes or enhancements impacted many downstream applications and use cases, requiring huge amounts of communication. As such, Amazon would have to freeze most code changes at a certain point in the year so the holiday season could focus on bug fixes and stability.