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Botanical name: Chlorocardium rodiei
Family: Lauraceae
Default name: Demerara Greenheart
Other names: Sipiri, Sipiroe, Itauba Branca
Wood description
The height of the tree is 21-35 meters (maximum 40 meters) and the branch-free straight cylindrical trunk is 15-25 meters long with a diameter of 40 to 60 cm. The heartwood is light to thunder olive green in color, sometimes drawn with brown or black stripes. These color differences can occur in one trunk, which sometimes gives this type of wood a colorful appearance. The sapwood is light yellow or greenish, usually 30x60mm wide and has no sharp transition to the heartwood. This type of wood is a type of wood with exceptionally good strength properties.
Wood properties
Demerara Greenheart is a heavy one hardwood having all of the following:
Volumic mass (at 12%): 970-1020 kg / m³
Bending (at 12%): 240 N / mm²
Shrinkage (at 12%): rad. 3%, pliers. 4.5%
The heartwood is durable (class 1) and it is very resistant to insect attack.
Drying - Very slow with a lot of tendency to tear and forming surface cracks. The deformation of the wood during the penetration is not too bad.
Edit - Quite difficult because Demerara Greenheart has a high density.
Nailing / Screwing - Moderate, pre-drilling recommended for splitting.
Finishing - Good.
Due to the high durability, strength and large dimensions in which the wood is available, it is mainly used for heavy construction work (water bridge and ship bolt, lock gates and harbor works). It can also be used for heavy workbenches and company floors.