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an hour ago
I had a look at the paper before I knew Fauci was the one who effectively ghost wrote it. It was used to shut down the lab investigation and censor anyone looking into the origins of Covid. Read it, the paper is a farce.
The paper doesn't even claim to offer any evidence against the lab origin. All it does is offer 3 origin theories for Covid, before stating "it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories of its origin described here".
Theory 1 offers pangolins and bats as suspects and then says: "For a precursor virus to acquire both the polybasic cleavage site and mutations in the spike protein suitable for binding to human ACE2, an animal host would probably have to have a high population density."
Pangolins are endangered and live 150 miles from Wuhan in Northwest Hubei. The bats live in a cave in Yunnan province 900 miles Southwest of Wuhan. Even a wet market bat soup escapee fails the papers 'high population density' requirement.
Theory 2 offers up: "Estimates of the timing ... point to emergence ... in late November 2019 ... this scenario presumes a period of unrecognized transmission in humans." This scenario requires Covid spreading 900 miles from the bat cave to 200 yards from the biological weapons lab without anyone noticing and then instantly becoming super contagious and deadly. This theory is so absurd an 8 year can see through it.
The 3rd theory is the lab itself with no evidence offered against. This paper was cited over 2700 times, it should be retracted by Nature.