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RedState reported on Rowe’s original Facebook post some days ago. That led to this a hit piece over at The Bulwark, which RedState also wrote on. //
Charlie Sykes
“Mike Rowe—the famous real man, dirty-jobbing, tough guy—is trying to pioneer a new lane in political discourse: anti-anti-anti-vaxx.”
Mike Rowe's Dirty Lies - The Bulwark
thebulwark.com //
Mike Rowe went line by line responding to the recent hit piece from JVL: https://facebook.com/116999698310182/posts/4564421360234638/?d=n
When you write out of anger and try to caricature everyone who disagrees with you, you end up with some very weak and easily refutable arguments. (Ht @Bmac0507)
10:37 PM · Aug 8, 2021 //
Health officials have lied to us. They have failed us. They have blown up their own credibility over and over. They have constantly moved the goalposts. It is not unreasonable to point out that their behavior has driven skepticism of the vaccine. In fact, it’s an extremely important thing to point out when talking about combating vaccine hesitancy to the extent one believes it must be combated. //
John R
28 minutes ago
There's no need for confusion about why the powers that be do what they do in response to this pandemic. There are two rules. (1) policies must promote solutions from drug companies (explains suppression of cheap, safe, effective early treatment so that there could be an Emergency Use Authorization >> $ billions to drug companies, who then spread the wealth to politicians, lobbyists, medical journals, supposedly public agencies, etc. Explains also why now the Fauci pivot to early treatment with patentable drugs from Merck and Pfizer now that the vaccination campaign is winding down/ failing to deliver on its promise; again, ignoring cheap generics). (2) consolidation of power to government, international corporations (crushing small business), quasi government organizations etc. //
3 hours ago edited
The real issue is that the left cannot stomach anyone who speaks up for the working class and they must be slapped down. Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, Rand Paul, and other conservatives and now sensible apolitical guys like Rowe.
They simply shut us down, ratcheted up the fear, and told us to trust the science.
This is what is amazing to watch. Science is a process and a method to arrive at a conclusion, and is not the conclusion itself. True science is never settled and is always met with skepticism. When they accuse you of being "anti-science" for not blindly accepting their premises, what they mean is that you are anti-political science.
There is no "the" science. There is just science. The Science™ is a term used by people demanding control using the Expertise Fallacy