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The left operates on its own internal currency and it’s the one currency in the world where the more of it you have the less of a person you are…at least by intent.
Social justice rules the Democrats and it’s a kind of ideology that puts more value on victimhood than it does success, merit, or talent. In fact, the more you have of those three, the worse of a person you are in the eyes of social justice adherents. It’s from this ideological foundation that we get “critical race theory.” //
Democrats are a lot like Wormtongue from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. He whispers lies into the ears of anyone he targets, and sometimes what he says may seem soothing and understanding but really they’re pure poison meant to make you doubt yourself and your own ability. Like the Democrats, he speaks for people, accusing those who resist his agenda of attempting to bring burdens and troubles upon the people he speaks for. Meanwhile, the person he’s poisoning believes what he says and grows as weak and incapable as he tells them they are. //
CRT is an attempt at teaching the black community, specifically children, that they can’t do anything because it will automatically result in failure thanks to the American system. The only way they’ll get anywhere is if they lean heavily into whatever program the Democrats say they should, oddly enough, driving them further into a system that oppresses them.
This is an unbelievable amount of racism that no one is addressing. The left says it’s attempting to help out those who America considers second class, but in truth, it’s Democrats who continue to put them there. They continue to divide races against each other, making them even more incapable of working for a better future.
Telling someone of a certain race that they can’t function without them is racism. Period.