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But where are the studies that would indicate gender dysphoria policies and other such claptrap will result in improvements in the military’s ability to “break things and kill people” – which is ultimately what the military provides in the way of blunt instrument force in defense of the Republic? There are none, of course. We are all supposed to take it on faith that social engineering will be to our collective benefit and will improve the military’s warfighting capabilities, “because diversity.” Except that is not the ultimate purpose of The Hologram’s America Last policy. He and they are not interested in “improvements”; to the contrary, they understand quite well the ultimate effects of left-wing social engineering in the military services. And those effects will be dire to our collective national security, just as they intended from the beginning.
Imagine the training time that will be sacrificed on the altar of policies like the one trumpeted in the above Marine admin message. The negative impacts of these social engineering experiments on US military readiness, combat effectiveness, unit cohesion, and morale cannot be measured at this point, but one can be certain that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and Russian military are laughing themselves silly at this malarkey. Do you suppose they will be at all concerned about “dignity and respect” on the future battlefield, let alone the Geneva Conventions (especially the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts)? Hold my beer on that.
Speaking of beer, my brother and a lot of retired Marines are crying in theirs as they witness the ongoing destruction and descent into PC Hell of their beloved Marine Corps. Some of them would love to be recalled to active duty and help square away their Corps, too. If only…