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DiceKeys is a physical mechanism for creating and storing a 192-bit key. The idea is that you roll a special set of twenty-five dice, put them into a plastic jig, and then use an app to convert those dice into a key. You can then use that key for a variety of purposes, and regenerate it from the dice if you need to. //
Note: I am an adviser on the project. //
Q • August 24, 2020 6:57 AM
I would very very uncomfortable about having not only the physical key available to any thief or agent that decides they want it, but also having it available in a vulnerable leaky phone and app that all measure of companies and people can spy upon. Just no.
Stuff like this should only be in my head IMO. Then I get to decide if it ever gets revealed to someone else.
Ari Trachtenberg • August 24, 2020 7:20 AM
"mathematically unguessable key" - really Bruce? You know better than to taunt the hackers with hyperbolic language. If anything, the key is "practically unguessable" - but mathematically, it is certainly guessable.
z • August 24, 2020 7:46 AM
Good, cheap and simple random number generator. But it's not that special it's just very practical and it gets rid of most trust issues. But Dice quality can effect entropy, so don't let any academic measure your dice :-D
Sam • August 24, 2020 9:54 AM
What problem is this solving exactly? There are many problems across the entire crpyto ecosystem, but "keys not being random enough" is pretty damn low on the list, and certainly not outweighed by sending your key through a computer-vision based web app.