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According to the transcript for a new interview on “Face the Nation,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) falsely claimed that Republicans were trying to suppress the vote and she called voter integrity laws a “legislative continuation” of Jan. 6. //
But if that wasn’t enough to show how disingenuous this whole effort by the Democrats is, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the Democratic whip and the guy who helped stick us with Joe Biden, gave the game away during an interview Sunday on Fox with Bret Baier. He confessed for the record that this was about federalizing elections, saying “these federal elections cannot be left up to the states, should not be left up to the states.”
There it is. They haven’t actually been that blunt with it before, preferring to cloak it in the false language of “voter suppression” or similar words. But there it is — it’s about taking the control away from the states. They’re power-hungry and no longer even hiding it. //
We must “mature” — to let Democrats do what they want to seize what power they can. Our founders who vested the process in the states were just pikers apparently. What they’re scared of are voter integrity laws that will protect the right to vote. There is no “suppression” going on, but there is a lot of protection against funny business.