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Daily Caller
Sen. Dick Durbin describes Sen. @TimScottSC's police reform bill as a "token, half-hearted approach" //
Scott, who is black, had slammed Democrats and others last week for their attacks on him, according to the Daily Caller.
“Not surprising the last 24 hours have seen a lot of ‘token’ ‘boy’ or ‘you’re being used’ in my mentions. Let me get this straight … you DON’T want the person who has faced racial profiling by police, been pulled over dozens of times, or been speaking out for YEARS drafting this?” Scott said on Twitter. //
Tim Scott
Y’all still wearing those kente cloths over there @SenatorDurbin? //
It also happens that the kente cloth they wore was connected to the slave trade. //
RNC Research
Sen. Tim Scott: for Sen. Dick Durbin “to call this a token process hurts my soul for my country”
From NY Post:
To qualify under the bill, an applicant or his farm needn’t have experienced racial discrimination. There is not even a requirement that the applicant have suffered any direct economic loss due to the lockdowns. Skin color is the most important consideration.
Those who qualify are eligible for up to 120 percent debt relief on their farm loan through the Farm Service Agency. You might notice that 120 percent is higher than 100 percent. Yes, the bill offers a windfall to many farmers who might never have personally suffered discrimination in the course of their agricultural business or any serious financial damage from COVID-19. //
“The Court finds that Plaintiff has shown a substantial likelihood that he will prevail on his claim that Section 1005 violates his right to equal protection under the law,” the decision states. “Absent action by the Court, socially disadvantaged farmers will obtain debt relief, while Plaintiff will suffer the irreparable harm of being excluded from that program solely on the basis of his race.”
If you look for Business Item 39 on the NEA website, https://ra.nea.org/business-item/2021-nbi-039/, you find the page has been scrubbed. The copy posted in this article is from the Wayback Machine.
What purpose was served by deleting an item the NEA voted to approve in a meeting viewed by thousands of people? The obvious answer is that the battle over the definition of CRT is not over for some on the left, and the NEA acknowledging that they are pushing CRT undercuts the argument that no such problem exists. Nevertheless, two equally large lessons for us can be drawn from this episode. The first is that CRT is a major focus of NEA activity, and, as Ron White says, that’s a handy piece of information to have.
The second thing is that we can expect the NEA to change course and begin to relentlessly lie about their advocacy for CRT.
All of this goes to show that we are in a total war for the minds of our children. If we don’t fight it by running for office and passing laws outlawing racism as a teaching technique, we will lose this nation and deserve to do so.
National Geographic
Scientists found that vulnerable people and communities of color are disproportionately exposed to air pollution from firework celebrations //
This weekend, at least 92 people were shot, with 16 killed since Friday. Imagine if we take that statistic and place it somewhere other than Chicago? Would we then get people to pay attention and do something? This is something that “disproportionately affects people of color.” So where’s your story on this, National Geographic? Why is there no attention to this? Because it’s a Democratic city? Because you really don’t care about black lives unless you can use them to further a left-wing political purpose?
Six children were among the wounded, including a five-year-old girl who was shot in the leg and a six-year-old girl.
I am amazed the Levine and his ilk can so cavalierly skip over the over 4,900 words Douglass wrote which precede the paragraph that they love to use as a cudgel. Douglass spoke about the country’s founding as an arbiter and source for good. That the foundation of America is a blueprint for liberty, and this is why that foundation must be made true by ending slavery in the United States. Douglass rightly expounded that slavery is antithesis to the heart and soul of a great nation, and if America was to continue to be that, it must change its ways.
Douglass debunks the 1619 Project blather that America’s founding is rooted in systemic racism and slavery with this insightful phrasing:
Fellow-citizens! there is no matter in respect to which, the people of the North have allowed themselves to be so ruinously imposed upon, as that of the pro-slavery character of the Constitution. In that instrument I hold there is neither warrant, license, nor sanction of the hateful thing; but, interpreted as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT. Read its preamble, consider its purposes. Is slavery among them? Is it at the gateway? or is it in the temple? It is neither. While I do not intend to argue this question on the present occasion, let me ask, if it be not somewhat singular that, if the Constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slave-holding instrument, why neither slavery, slaveholding, nor slave can anywhere be found in it.
Now, take the Constitution according to its plain reading, and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.
Colin Kaepernick
“What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”
- Frederick Douglass
12:03 PM · Jul 4, 2019
Ted Cruz
You quote a mighty and historic speech by the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass, but, without context, many modern readers will misunderstand. Two critical points:
(1) This speech was given in 1852, before the Civil War, when the abomination of slavery still existed. Thanks to Douglass and so many other heroes, we ended that grotesque evil and have made enormous strides to protecting the civil rights of everybody.
(2) Douglass was not anti-American; he was, rightly and passionately, anti-slavery. Indeed, he concluded the speech as follows:
“Allow me to say, in conclusion, notwithstanding the dark picture I have this day presented, of the state of the nation, I do not despair of this country.
“There are forces in operation, which must inevitably, work the downfall of slavery. ‘The arm of the Lord is not shortened,’ and the doom of slavery is certain.
“I, therefore, leave off where I began, with hope. While drawing encouragement from ‘the Declaration of Independence,’ the great principles it contains, and the genius of American Institutions, my spirit is also cheered by the obvious tendencies of the age.”
Let me encourage everyone, READ THE ENTIRE SPEECH; it is powerful, inspirational, and historically important in bending the arc of history towards justice: https://rbscp.lib.rochester.edu/2945
David French
I was honored to work with @kmele, @thomaschattwill, and @jasonintrator to write in the NYT against broad, vague laws designed to suppress CRT. They’re speech codes and thus “antithetical to educating students in the culture of American free expression.”
Opinion | Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws Are Un-American
nytimes.com //
There are hundreds of different schools of thought that are not taught in K-12 education. You can’t teach Holocaust denial, for example, nor would any student be educated by such tripe. The same is true for CRT, which exists as racial essentialism pushing the notion that certain races of people are inherently oppressive. It’s pseudo-science garbage.
But my point in writing this is not to take the Times article apart or to do another breakdown of why CRT is bad. Rather, it’s to point out that French (he’s one of the multiple authors of the piece) represents a type of Republican that is always looking to surrender. The idea that there is any danger to freedom of speech or ideas because CRT isn’t allowed in school curriculums is obviously ridiculous. Yet, French makes that argument because he needs some way to counter the fact that Republicans are actually making headway regarding a major culture war issue. //
16 minutes ago
"...antithetical to educating students in the culture of American free expression."
This statement is ludicrous on it's face. CRT can only be taught by suppressing any "free expression" that does not support it. To wit- look at every school district in the country that tried to sneak this through by fiat. Look at the behavior of every school management official confronted by parents. Look at the sudden change in employment status of every teacher that tries to oppose it -to crickets by the union that supposedly represents them. //
2 hours ago
There is no middle ground here. The CRTers aren't proposing to have a free and open discussion of their philosophy in Townhall forums. They intend to infiltrate elementary and secondary school US history and political science curriculums w/o being answerable to anyone. CRT is the greatest danger to the future of the Republic right now simple because it brooks NO OPPOSITION!
French should be asked if during the Cold War, US history should have been taught from the Soviet point of view painting us as the aggressor and purveyors of a failed economic system. From the Soviets point of view, we were little different from the Nazi invaders.
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️
BREAKING: The nation's largest teachers union has approved a plan to promote critical race theory in all 50 states and 14,000 local school districts.
The argument that "critical race theory isn't in K-12 schools" is officially dead. //
This vindicates every move made at the state level to fight this. //
Yet, any veteran of the culture wars can tell you that once CRT gets into schools, there will be no getting it out. Preemptively moving to quash this illiberal, racist ideology from infecting curriculums was the right call. That’s how you win these battles. Conversely, lose then by sitting back and waiting for CRT to become so pervasive that it can’t be pushed back on any longer. //
an hour ago
Read the memo, the plan, that lumps capitalism in with other forms of oppression. Straight out of Marxist theology. You may not understand the terms in this document, such as anthropocentrism, cisheteropatriarchy and patriarchy, they are attacks on the traditional family unit, the authority and role of the father, the belief that "men need to be men" and act that way and so forth. CRT in this manner is being used to not only cover the topic of racism, but human sexuality and the acceptance of homosexuality and transgender, and that you should consider it too because if you are to believe what they are saying when covering these topics - men often feel like women and have female experiences, you are merely suppressing them.
CRT in this format, is not just about racism, but also indoctrinating males to act and feel like women.
The bottom line is that the objective of folks like Touré is to foster more racial division and to intimate that the U.S. is irredeemably racist. What they fail to acknowledge is the fact that the narrative they perpetuate is an affront to Americans – black and white – who have done the work to move America forward.
Yes, there is still more work to do in the quest for equality. I acknowledged as much in my earlier piece on Independence Day. But the notion that we cannot celebrate the legitimate advancements we have made, because some issues still exist, is not only absurd but counterproductive to what they claim they wish to achieve. Perhaps they are not as serious about their mission as they would have us believe.
If you look at the Loudoun County Public Schools’ website or any documents or emails they put out, there’s very little about academic excellence. It’s all about feelings and I don’t need my children being taught how to feel. Teach them how to think. Prepare them to go out into the world. In America, we’re all about the marketplace of ideas. But what we’re doing is telling kids what to think. We’re not teaching them how to think.
Part of parenting is teaching your child all of those things. I don’t want the government doing it — I do not co-parent with the government. I really hope when my kids look back 10 years from now, they can appreciate that I did this fight for them. Part of this has been hard, because I’ve lost a lot of friends who don’t agree with my advocacy. But I cannot live with myself if I don’t do what’s right. Honestly, this is the fight of my life.
When FDR sent thousands of Americans to internment camps because their ancestors were Japanese, that was an ugly stain on America. Japanese Americans who suffered that fate deserved every cent of reparation, and frankly more for Roosevelt’s illegal and unconstitutional order. They were direct victims. Many are still alive today. They suffered the injury. Their great-grandchildren are not demanding their own reparations. Calling for reparations for Americans who are, in many cases, four or five or six generations removed from ancestors who were held in bondage is impractical, at best. Even its proponents like Ta-Nehisi Coates have admitted as much. I am all in for reparation for anyone held as a slave. None exist. //
I’m all in for Blacks who suffered a direct injury during Jim Crow suing for damages and bankrupting those responsible. Direct injury. Direct reparations.
Blaming all living Americans (with a large percentage having no antebellum connection to America) for the sins of long-dead ancestors makes no more sense than me demanding payment for Robert Thompson’s multiple years of torture at the hands of Confederates. The confederates who ruined his body are long since dust in the wind. I never met Robert Thompson. His bones are dust as well. My only “memory” of him is preserved in a shadow box. The box contains the flag cord he carried through Andersonville, his photo later in life, and the envelope on which he penned what happened 159 years ago.
Smith appeared as a guest on Fox Business Channel during Monday’s episode of Varney & Co. where he and host Stuart Varney discussed the backlash he received to his viral video. Smith’s response? He mimicked a cricket.
“What was the reaction to you by people who support Critical Race Theory?” asked Varney.
“I’ll give you an example,” said Smith, before making the whistling sound. “They had nothing to say because, pretty much, the lifestyle that I came from, I was the very type of person that they were talking about, that was down, and suppressed, and oppressed, and disproportionate, and for me to be able to come out of that, to work my way through school to get where I am, I just call BS on it – it’s nonsense.” //
To be sure, Smith is another example in the myriad of examples of how Critical Race Theory is wrong. As Smith made clear during his viral speech, he came from a background where his mother and father weren’t present, had to work his way through college, and yet he’s a successful man with two medical degrees. He’s also a successful YouTuber and radio show host.
Despite the left’s inability to launch a single legitimate attack against him, it hasn’t stopped them from lying about him in order to make others stop listening to him. However, it’s hard to deny the facts.
“What gets me is that, as soon as I said that, right, that seemed to have been the focus I noticed was mainly being played. But, I told like whoever these – I guess you’d call them the far left – it seems like they just wanted to focus on. So, now I have no degrees, I don’t have a wife, I don’t have any sons, I’m not a musician, I’m not a minister. I’m some actor that was placed there by the Republican Party and turns out I’m Candace Owens’ brother!” he said.
In the debate over the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in America’s classrooms, the left seems to be relying on two arguments: Critics of the theory don’t know what it is, and teachers are not teaching the theory to their students. The former is debatable, but this story demonstrates that the latter is not.
In what may have been the most laughable of claims made in the piece, she wrote that “The truth is that anti-racism education teaches children to love each other and imagine a better future where racist political agendas won’t win out.”
In actuality, the opposite is true. As DeSantis and other prominent critics of CRT have observed, CRT teaches white students to hate themselves for being born that way, perpetuating the “white guilt complex” liberals have lived by and with for decades. In addition to that, it teaches black students that racism is hidden everywhere, which further fosters feelings of resentment and leads to a victimhood mentality that is very difficult to break until you realize the “racism is everywhere” claim simply isn’t true.
Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry were wealthy landowners in South Carolina’s Colleton District in the 1830s, in what is now Charleston County. The couple owned 84 slaves each for a total of 168, at a time when most of their peers owned a handful. Their slaves worked their plantation and made them rich. Angel and Horry also traded slaves for profit, showing no regard for dissolving slave families. They were no kinder or crueler to their slaves than anyone else. They were considered “slave magnates” because of the number of slaves they owned. They were referred to as the “economic elite.” They were also black.
Black people owned black people in all 13 original colonies and in every state that allowed slavery. Frequently, freed black people would go on to own more slaves than their white neighbors. In 1830, nearly a fourth of the free black slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves, and several owned more than 30, far surpassing their white slave-owning neighbors.
Yes, black people, frequently former slaves themselves, owned slaves. While it can be said that many black people owned family members to protect them and keep them close, black slave owners also bought and sold slaves for profit. Renowned African-American historian and Duke University Professor, John Hope Franklin, wrote “The majority of Negro owners of slaves had some personal interest in their property. There were instances, however, in which free Negroes had a real economic interest in the institution of slavery and held slaves in order to improve their economic status.” Franklin also wrote that roughly 3,000 free black people in New Orleans alone owned slaves. //
Why don’t history teachers include this in their curriculum? You know why! How can they demonize white people and divide us racially and if they taught the truth? What reason would they have for teaching the commie Critical Race Theory? How can black people demand reparations if you know thousands of black people owned slaves as well? How can they propagate the myth of “systemic racism” if we were all just allowed to get along?
Remember, it’s no longer about equality in our country, it’s now about equity. YOU need to pay for what other white, and black, people stopped doing over 155 years ago.
The Hill
Sen. @tedcruz: "Critical race theory is bigoted, it is a lie and it is every bit as racist as the Klansman in white sheets." //
You can’t position yourself as a champion against racism and then push CRT, which at its very core is racist. You only have to look at Ibram X. Kendi, the current figurehead pushing CRT, and his “anti-racist” movement understand that.
Kendi proposes that racism isn’t actually racism if it’s creating “equity” in the system. Note the distinct language shift from the prior term of “equality.” In other words, the proposition is that racial discrimination is actually good if it somehow elevates those viewed as “oppressed” by current systems. Of course, how the current systems cause oppression is a question always left unanswered. Are there specific laws that need to be changed? Which ones, exactly?
Further, to push the perverted idea that it is moral and necessary to be racist in the pursuit of equity, CRT proclaims that white people hold implicit, inbred racial views and benefit from “privilege” that justifies discrimination against them to balance outcomes. Obviously, things get even more convoluted and complicated from there, but the nuts and bolts of what the modern left call critical race theory is simply racism by another name. //
Racism is racism, and there is no justification for it. At the end of the day, it is the government’s job to provide equality, not equity. Equity of outcome is an impossible goal that takes agency away from individuals, supposing that all hard work leading to success is somehow tainted. //
JohnTruman edintexas
2 days ago
Time to abolish the Race-Hustler Industrial-Complex.
“I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”
Booker T. Washington
“The bitterness and hate ... would have long since been obliterated in this state, were it not for some unprincipled men who would keep alive the bitterness of the past, and inculcate a hatred between the races, in order that they may aggrandize themselves by office, and its emoluments, to control my people, the effect of which is to degrade them.”
Senator Hiram Revels (1827-1901)
A pastor who endorses claims of racial 'systemic injustice,' Ed Litton, has been elected president of the largest U.S. Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention.
Getting beyond the poisonous poppycock spread by Kendi for fun and profit, there is a real cost to readiness that will potentially be paid in lives. The Navy and its sister services are at a point where our first encounters of the upcoming war with China will make Kasserine Pass and Savo Island and Task Force Smith look like the epitome of military efficiency. Though sown over the past decade, these seeds of these future defeats are reaching full bloom under guys like Gildray, who are much more political commissars than they are military leaders. One hopes that when it comes time for the bill to be paid, they are hauled before a vengeful tribunal to account for their promotion of a corrupt ideology over the welfare of their troops. And if they are dead, I hope a mob treats them how Charles II dealt with Oliver Cromwell.
After an appearance on Fox News and an article written about her situation in conservative media, Fishbein began to receive messages from other parents of children whose schools are pushing woke theology and using critical race theory to promote the oppressor/oppressed trope. She used the momentum to organize groups of parents into different chapters. The group is called No Left Turn In Education.
“Just coming off of May 31st, marking the 100 years of the Tulsa riots, it is sad that we are even contemplating something like critical race theory, where children will be separated by their skin color and deemed permanently oppressors or oppressed in 2021,” she said.
King then immediately checked one of the aspects of the left’s arguments that they haven’t yet considered.
“That is not teaching the truth unless you believe that whites are better than blacks,” she added. //
“I don’t know about you, but telling my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in America because they are black is racist, and saying that white people are automatically above me, my children or any child is racist as well,” she said.
King said that we can’t allow this kind of thinking in our country after we’ve spent so long fighting and dying for the exact opposite of what CRT is trying to accomplish.
“Our ancestors, white, black, and others hung, bled, and died right alongside each other to push America towards that more perfect union,” said King. “If this continues, we will look back and be responsible for the dismantling of the greatest country in the world by reverting to teaching hate and that race is a determining factor on where your destiny lies.”